Cultural hall, Museum and Art Gallery

The Bachschmiede is a cultural center in the municipality of Wals-Siezenheim. It combines three areas: Culture Hall, Museum and Art Gallery. The Kultursaal seats 309 people and is suitable for various events. From concerts to galas. With banquet seating, there is room for around 190 people and with classroom seating, 130 seats can be offered. The Bachschmiede also has a very attractive catering area with a long bar area with bar tables. In fine weather, the outdoor area in front of the Bachschmiede can also be offered as a catering area. With the ambience of a forge house dating back to 1567, situated right next to a creek. In addition, the Bachschmiede offers a show forging as well as museum tours as a special customer attraction.

Die Bachschmiede
Jakob-Lechner-Weg 2-4
5071 Wals

GF Mag. Bernhard Robotka
+43 662 855 329
+43 664 88 35 73 64

Data & Facts

Gala Menu
Flying Menu
Finger food

Room dimensions:
(audience area without stage)
Width: approx.12 m
Length: approx. 15 m
Height: over 6 m

Stage dimensions:
Width: 9 m
Length: 6 m
Height: 80 cm
Room height from stage: approx. 5 m

Theater Seating:
300 seats
Classroom Seating: 130 seats
Banquet Seating:
190 seats

Ideal for
Business Events
Large Events such as Trade Fairs, Congresses or Festivals and Concerts


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  • Vortragssaal Holzoptik
  • Mehrere gedeckte Tische in einer Eventlocation
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